Is this one of the greatest years for games releases? Paul, Chris, Arron and Chris sit down to discuss if it truly is. The major players in the industry were still battling it out to be number one with each of the major consoles hitting their stride. The Nintendo 64 had 1080 Snowboarding and Banjo Kazooie. The Sega Saturn had Panzer Dragoon Saga and Burning Rangers, and finally the Sony PlayStation had Resident Evil 2 and Alundra.
So over 20 years ago what were we playing and buying? We look back on the news and reviews of the first half of 1998 and share our memories.
Remember to look out for 1998 part 2 as we had to split up such a momentous year. Finally if you can spare a moment please leave us an iTunes review as everyone helps. Enjoy the show.